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If you want to be part of a community, I invite you to find one. My newsletter may not provide you with a sense of community but on a good day, maybe it will make you. feel special, knowing you might be the only person who has seen it today. And isn’t being special what you really want? Admit it. Yes, it is.

To find out more about being special, may I suggest a trip to the library followed by an exploratory session with that therapist your friend won’t shut up about.

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I probably started writing the piece you are about to read because I thought it contained something funny. Fingers crossed I was correct in this assumption.


Merrill Markoe has created theoretically humorous writing, videos and other stuff in assorted media for (ahem) 40 something years. She has also published 10 books. To see her lengthy resume, check her website. And when I say 'her' I mean 'me'.