Truth. Kind of a balm to read tonight, spontaneous cracking of smiles feels good. Thanks very much.

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Jun 14Liked by Merrill Markoe

I was going to post a comment of my own, but this post by Lily is so perfect, there is no debate that anything I would write could top it- I can only heartily agree. Spontaneous cracking of smiles feels good, indeed.

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Thank YOU Lily.

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"Maybe some entrepreneurial denizen of the year 2060 will want to set up a Renaissance Faire type event [...]in order to allow the futuristic people and their robot companions to experience what an old-timey election cycle was like in the country that used to be called 'The United States of America.'"

Well, the early-music/period-instrument movement and Cowboy Action Shooting have both been spectacularly successful. Why not this?

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My only solace is the knowledge that by 2060 I will almost certainly be dead.

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you mean an old-timey debate like in the early SNL days when Ackeroyd turned to Curtin and spat out "Jane!!!You ignorant slut!!!"

now enjoying that show was something we could all do together 🙃😯😎

as for reading minds if my phone could just like a gypsy fortune teller would

she'd slap my face 🤣

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Again, again you've outdone yourself and set the bar so crazy high for your future selves I'm kind of worried.

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Thank you so much. I appreciate your support.

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Don’t leave us hanging - what comes after the mayonnaise?

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Delightful and scary truth. I hope I get to see Mussolini

foam at the mouth and chew the rug next week...Though I am still rooting for atherosclerosis

Thank you

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I guess for some future version of ‘merika, these are the good old days. What a chilling thought. You have a gift for making the horrifying absolutely hilarious, and I thank you.

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