Wow this is incredible! Your writing is superb! I need the full memoir. 🤍

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“A professional comedy writer?”


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Another great piece, Merrill. Upon reading, and encountering the word, “decrepitude,” I was thinking, “Alright, now she’s simply making words up.” Don’t get me wrong - I was cool with it. Imagine my surprise upon discovering later, when Googling it, that it is an actual English word. Thanks for the vocabulary lesson. And, for the notion that women’s supposed frigidity in the 1950’s and 1960’s was invented purely to provide fodder for stand-up comics.

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I have learned not to read you if I'm in bed and husband is sleeping. It doesn't end well.

Thank you for my new word, muculent.


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i had to read this one twice! Nice!

you drill right down to common denominator bedrock. Find a stranger,

marry them and take your life to Vegas. Seems mom loved you so much she wanted to crush you.

And dad was a builder, mine too and aside from

being a sociopathic narcissist he was an ok citizen.

It's Valentines, have some champagne in dixie cups and may 81% of your dreams come true ( thats a B) You can mix it with OJ the next morning too so it wont go bad.

Then use the whole thing as copy.

I used to love sneaking over to Berkeley to that big ancient rink for some pickup hockey during the go go eighties.

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Dang, you’re good. 👍🏼

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