Sep 3Liked by Merrill Markoe

Yep. Missed it the first time. Thank you.

P.S. I have every faith that Nostradamus Day will be surrounded by about a week (maybe a month) of freaking out about the fact that Nostradamus Day is leading the ignorant masses to not freak out enough.

Because, y'know, the world really IS coming to and end THIS TIME.

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Quizzes! Will they count toward graduating?

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Hmm. I guess I had better get busy putting together a curriculum.

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I think I’m going to need the link to that site your husband peruses daily. In case I’m not freaked out enough. I mean sure, the oceans are rising and summer is now fire season, but I’ve gotten used to that. At this point, a daily dose of extra-crazy murderers might get my adrenaline going.

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I don't think I am going to tell him he is getting fan mail for his mug shot preoccupation. I am too afraid to find out where it might lead.

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Fully freaked here. I would certainly take last years quiz and I fully enjoyed the updated version.

Most certainly I will pick up some chocolate for Orla for early Valentines (" i bought this 45 seconds ago at CVS") because she is my

go bag ride with her Irish passport if the election goes crazytown maga. I may even have a dowry coming still. I am thinking of asking for lambs for pets.

I like the way Andy thinks.

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Haaaa. I am not going to tell him. He needs NO encouragement.

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You’re right. I hadn’t read this before. Thanks for updating it. But frankly I’m now terrified that nothing is human-generated any more.

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Well, maybe that will give you and me more value-added!

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I celebrate Halloween all summer and quite a lot of the rest of the year (M.T. Graves and FAMOUS MONSTERS, c. 1959). I really like cheesy old r & b and rockabilly novelty spooky stuff, so it's just a norm. So I guess my only actual holiday is Christmas. I have a vast collection of that music as well. The other holidays are for old people, although I'm so old myself that the real old people are, for the most part, gone. I enjoy putting up lights, so Valentine's Day and the others pick up the slack after Candlemas (February 2). I'll be taking down the bunting and light-up flags for the last until Memorial Day...Labor Day was stretching it anyway, but Texas thinks Labor Day is one of the six or seven variations on Veteran's Day (which I continue to celebrate as Armistice Day (Walt Kelly, Pogo, also a big motivator for Christmas). I realize, here, that I bend all the holidays to my own whims, so I may as well just decorate for my own random celebrations, like the birth dates of every significant humorist of the last hundred years or so. Keep me posted when Merr-ie Markoefest is approaching. Wouldn't want to put up a bunch of the wrong lights for the anniversary of Tijuana Bibles or something if there is something better.

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Good plan. and Wow. THAT paragraph is certainly a compendium of Markoe-data. Thank you for remembering all that stuff (I think.)

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I *am* a fan, to be sure, but that was mostly Mark-data. It wasn't until I read WE SAW SCENERY, which had comic book lettering and lots of pictures, that I grasped the fact that we lived in opposite ends of Miami at around the same time. To see that you had actually interacted with M.T. Graves caused me to be Frankenstein-green with envy. I didn't find out until a couple years ago that there was a mechanism on the internet whereby one could communicate with M.T., but, sadly, Charlie Baxter had just passed away. I would like to have told him what he meant to me at a traumatic time, having been transplanted from what I, at least, imagined to be an idyllic small town New England setting to a John Birch fever swamp. I actually became a film buff watching "Movie 7" every day after school, but THE DUNGEON was a real boon, especially since it wasn't on at midnight like the other "horror host" shows. I could never have gotten away with sneaking peeks at it in our microscopic house. The only interaction I had with local TV was after I had a post-apocalyptic cartoon fable in the MIAMI NEWS in 1961, and was invited to be the guest of the girl playing Helen Keller in THE MIRACLE WORKER at the Grove Playhouse (if memory serves). She was a regular at the time on Skipper Chuck Zink's kiddie show, and her parents wondered if I could do anything like that. At the time I was trying to learn the banjo from a Pete Seeger instruction record, but Homestead was so humid that the drumhead on the cheap Sears banjo was too flaccid to sound very spunky, and "Banjo Billy" pretty much covered whatever banjo demand there might have been at 7:00 in the morning. John Keasler tried to mentor me, and I got original art from his friends Walt Kelly and Bill Mauldin by way of encouragement, but at that point I was too paralyzed by adolescent neuroses to follow up on the opportunity. You can see how your Miami adventures were interesting to me, though. I did get to be a folksinger a few years later, ripping off Miami performers with my dorm buddies who had gone to Miami Beach High but were stranded in Tampa at the University of South Florida. They were all pre-med, and after a couple of years of quasi-beatnik posturing at the Beaux Arts coffeehouse/art gallery/foreign film theater in St. Pete, they all switched to psychology. I ran out of money and motivation and joined the Air Force in '66. Didn't die and pursued a career in art museums and teaching art history and humanities in the Bible Belt. I have put off the promised cleaning of my studio, so I'll bid you Happy Sort of Fall. Excelsior!

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Yes. The Dungeon was a real Florida highlight for me. I am still so glad my parents moved me out of Miami when they did, even though I didn't want to leave. What a strange combination of geography and cultural dead ends it was. I didn't understand a lot of what was going on until much much later.

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Thank you, as always, Merrill!

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And as always, you're welcome and thank YOU Perry.

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I’m down with your expanded Valentine’s Day celebration suggestion - it sounds like great fun.

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I was just saying nearly the exact thing about Liz Cheney yesterday.

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